Europe info

854 casinos
14,524 festivals and 104,879 events
157,992 total players
80,843 ranked players
$242,554,023,583 won since Apr 1, 1980


Malta info

6 casinos
207 festivals and 1,217 events
106 total players (6 ladies)
71 ranked players
$1,437,584,052 won since Nov 5, 1988


RangeGenderPlayer Country/RegionDate


PoY 2025

Mid-Major PoY 2025

PoY 2024

#2229#1Corel Theuma 1,209.21 pts
#5377#2Clement Kerrien 811.72 pts
#5844#3Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 779.88 pts
#8984#4Matthew Micallef 631.41 pts
#10584#5Brandon Mifsud 580.15 pts
#13616#6Joe "Maltese" Grech 504.66 pts
#15803#7Karl Gialanze 461.88 pts
#16993#8Antoine Degiorgio 440.95 pts
#18116#9Mark Vella 423.82 pts
#22227#10Oliver Said 364.94 pts
#22909#11Amir Assal 357.09 pts
#25518#12Thomas Lind 327.42 pts
#26810#13Andrew Cutajar 315.14 pts
#28871#14Lawrence Bonnici 296.39 pts
#28889#15Jake Allen 296.28 pts
#31544#16Marc Schembri 275.33 pts
#31761#17Michael Cauchi 273.89 pts
#31820#18Mark Attard 273.39 pts
#32241#19Liwei Wang 270.26 pts
#32863#20Andre Grech 265.54 pts
#34651#21Shaun Decesare 253.45 pts
#41999#22Emmanuel Mizzi 212.25 pts
#45799#23Ludovic Breau 195.02 pts
#51278#24Antonio Intravaia 174.39 pts
#52067#25Zuzanna Ciurzynska 171.67 pts
#52902#26Andre Sorm 168.78 pts
#53327#27Raphael Toledo 167.34 pts
#54568#28Gaetano Montagno Castagnolo 163.24 pts
#55293#29Hays Antonin 160.87 pts
#60781#30Thomas Aalbers 144.99 pts
#65979#31Davide Ingegnere 132.30 pts
#67990#32Ernie Micallef 127.94 pts
#68910#33Simon Forster 125.93 pts
#74129#34Neville Grech 115.54 pts
#75542#35Christopher Grech 113.03 pts
#75799#36James Mercieca 112.56 pts
#77165#37Arican Sukru 110.05 pts
#79860#38Emma Denise Oliver 105.43 pts
#79969#39Jonathan Briscoe White 105.26 pts
#81811#40Ivan Bordos 102.39 pts
#82567#41Mark Berman 101.23 pts
#84105#42Kevin Joseph Campbell 98.96 pts
#85524#43Aleksandar Stojadinovic 96.91 pts
#85813#44Soeren Wagner 96.50 pts
#88349#45Sharon Mashal 93.16 pts
#89526#46Kenneth Borg 91.64 pts
#91902#47Benedikt Hausmann 88.69 pts
#94823#48Ivo Marinov 85.24 pts
#98016#49Dalton Bezzina 81.71 pts
#100515#50Andrea Stellato 79.05 pts
#103887#51Alessandro Raimondi 75.70 pts
#104386#52Reza Haack 75.19 pts
#108542#53Pierre Azzopardi 71.28 pts
#112499#54Yannick Stollenwerk 68.02 pts
#115488#55Malvin Catania 65.60 pts
#116743#56Stefan Mitevski 64.68 pts
#119214#57Matthew Vella 62.81 pts
#122802#58Marilyn Dimech 60.17 pts
#123698#59Glenn Micallef 59.55 pts
#124220#60Clint Sammut 59.17 pts
#124411#61Jessica Dainoli 59.05 pts
#124848#62Alessandro De Leo 58.71 pts
#128511#63Jonah Vella 56.19 pts
#129595#64Raffaele Casa 55.49 pts
#131188#65Kevin Francica 54.44 pts
#131544#66Pasquale Scarlino 54.19 pts
#132083#67Brian Calleja 53.85 pts
#134783#68Amir Brizman 52.20 pts
#135959#69Igor Milutinovic 51.53 pts
#136084#70Leon Alf Marlon 51.46 pts
#136209#71Alexandar Tot 51.37 pts
#139898#72Wai Hung Hung 49.22 pts
#140724#73Francesco Bonfigilo 48.76 pts
#142956#74Charlo AzzopardiMy Poker Squad47.54 pts
#145157#75Min Wok Kim 46.37 pts
#148734#76Leo Mathe 44.56 pts
#150867#77Michael Ravn 43.56 pts
#153910#78Tommaso Mozzini 42.16 pts
#155340#79Francesco Bono 41.58 pts
#156670#80Cedric Sciberras 41.04 pts
#158550#81Emanuel Borg 40.32 pts
#158788#82Manfred Sierke 40.23 pts
#163861#83Elia Toma 38.37 pts
#164005#84Andrew Valenzia 38.31 pts
#164549#85Luigi Nucifora 38.15 pts
#164697#86Angelo Zammit 38.09 pts
#170720#87Zivojin Stanimirov 36.17 pts
#172810#88Lukasz Bialkowski 35.56 pts
#182227#89Lorna Zammit 33.11 pts
#183522#90Quentin Cassan 32.80 pts
#184515#91Thomas Gjoersvik 32.55 pts
#184558#92Jake Camilleri 32.54 pts
#186818#93Charles Mifsud 31.99 pts
#187593#94Mario Hubert Masson 31.81 pts
#187602#95Michel Glansberg 31.81 pts
#200049#96Che Nan 28.22 pts
#200777#97Daniel Gatt 28.01 pts
#203250#98Jonathan Sammut 27.31 pts
#206197#99Rares Bodea 26.54 pts
#208894#100Christopher Agius 25.86 pts
PoY 2025MaltaPlayerTeamScore
#2308#1Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 189.84 pts
#3224#2Corel Theuma 159.01 pts
#8185#3Sharon Mashal 88.75 pts
#17681#4Amir Brizman 44.29 pts
#18132#5Emmanuel Mizzi 43.31 pts
#22620#6Ivo Marinov 36.22 pts
Mid-Major PoY 2025MaltaPlayerTeamScore
#2047#1Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 189.84 pts
#2945#2Corel Theuma 159.01 pts
#7841#3Sharon Mashal 88.75 pts
#17390#4Amir Brizman 44.29 pts
#17842#5Emmanuel Mizzi 43.31 pts
#22336#6Ivo Marinov 36.22 pts
PoY 2024MaltaPlayerTeamScore
#5875#1Corel Theuma 811.21 pts
#6047#2Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 800.07 pts
#6326#3Clement Kerrien 782.09 pts
#10259#4Antoine Degiorgio 617.29 pts
#11764#5Joe "Maltese" Grech 572.13 pts
#14755#6Matthew Micallef 492.92 pts
#15386#7Amir Assal 478.91 pts
#19859#8Mark Vella 390.71 pts
#20596#9Karl Gialanze 378.23 pts
#24990#10Lawrence Bonnici 319.21 pts
#26187#11Oliver Said 306.06 pts
#30520#12Andrew Cutajar 266.58 pts
#32947#13Thomas Lind 247.25 pts
#33556#14Jake Allen 242.79 pts
#33966#15Mark Attard 240.01 pts
#36640#16Liwei Wang 223.43 pts
#36792#17Shaun Decesare 222.66 pts
#37340#18Brandon Mifsud 219.34 pts
#39492#19Michael Cauchi 207.45 pts
#42304#20Thomas Aalbers 193.32 pts
#44928#21Raphael Toledo 181.73 pts
#51274#22Zuzanna Ciurzynska 157.76 pts
#51487#23Emmanuel Mizzi 157.09 pts
#53748#24Gaetano Montagno Castagnolo 149.83 pts
#56409#25Marc Schembri 142.05 pts
#59575#26Christopher Grech 133.69 pts
#60137#27Davide Ingegnere 132.30 pts
#60897#28Andre Grech 130.23 pts
#61266#29Ernie Micallef 129.32 pts
#62773#30Simon Forster 125.70 pts
#64330#31Kenneth Borg 122.18 pts
#64426#32Neville Grech 121.96 pts
#68427#33Andre Sorm 114.02 pts
#68937#34Hays Antonin 113.05 pts
#69879#35Ludovic Breau 111.33 pts
#75187#36Ivan Bordos 102.39 pts
#77110#37Srdan Milicevic 99.35 pts
#77339#38Kevin Joseph Campbell 98.96 pts
#77749#39Soeren Wagner 98.35 pts
#77939#40Dalton Bezzina 98.00 pts
#81432#41Antonio Intravaia 92.53 pts
#82588#42Yannick Stollenwerk 90.70 pts
#82595#43Alessandro Raimondi 90.68 pts
#87864#44Matthew Vella 83.75 pts
#95954#45Reza Haack 75.19 pts
#98629#46Stefan Mitevski 72.78 pts
#103371#47Marilyn Dimech 68.78 pts
#103901#48Glenn Micallef 68.37 pts
#107175#49Malvin Catania 65.60 pts
#107814#50Leon Alf Marlon 65.04 pts
#109201#51Jessica Dainoli 63.78 pts
#109370#52Kevin Francica 63.66 pts
#109857#53James Mercieca 63.18 pts
#111965#54Andrea Stellato 60.94 pts
#113493#55Francesco Bonfigilo 59.18 pts
#117299#56Francesco Bono 55.45 pts
#120413#57Raffaele Casa 52.81 pts
#122046#58Igor Milutinovic 51.53 pts
#122175#59Alexandar Tot 51.37 pts
#122442#60Elia Toma 51.16 pts
#122829#61Luigi Nucifora 50.86 pts
#125026#62Wai Hung Hung 49.22 pts
#125351#63Clint Sammut 48.98 pts
#129399#64Min Wok Kim 46.37 pts
#133005#65Aleksandar Stojadinovic 44.40 pts
#133486#66Lorna Zammit 44.15 pts
#134782#67Michael Ravn 43.56 pts
#140283#68Cedric Sciberras 41.04 pts
#143353#69Angelo Zammit 39.87 pts
#150993#70Che Nan 37.62 pts
#151033#71Jonathan Briscoe White 37.60 pts
#152445#72Leo Mathe 37.22 pts
#155805#73Emma Denise Oliver 36.43 pts
#168618#74Alejandro Marahona Izquierdo 33.93 pts
#169077#75Arican Sukru 33.85 pts
#170061#76Michael Tonna 33.71 pts
#172946#77Dalibor Brnas 33.22 pts
#174026#78Ivo Marinov 33.03 pts
#175421#79Quentin Cassan 32.80 pts
#177062#80Jake Camilleri 32.54 pts
#178518#81Agostino Nasso 32.30 pts
#181706#82Emanuel Borg 31.80 pts
#182442#83James Marsala 31.70 pts
#187439#84Joann Dujardin 30.56 pts
#189512#85Lukasz Bialkowski 28.82 pts